Pitch – 6.1

Ward Audiobook
Pitch - 6.1

Original Chapter Text

Music: Evan Witt

Editing: Elliot Diebold

Narration: Robert “Rein” Ramsay

Ward Audiobook Short Delay

UPDATE: I was able to get most of the Wardiobook files off the drive – enough that I’m able to continue releasing chapters now.  Some chapters might get delayed over the next week or two while I deal with getting everything on a new drive, but with any luck I’ll be able to get everything out on time or close to it.

Hi everyone, I just want to apologize for the gap in chapter releases.  I’m having some computer troubles right now and I think I’ve finally narrowed it down to a drive that is beginning to fail.  I have everything backed up, but this may delay the next chapter another day or two while I get this worked out.


Shadow – 5.Y

Ward Audiobook
Shadow - 5.Y

Original Chapter Text

Music: Evan Witt

Editing and Narration: Christopher “Crispy” Batkin