Ward Audiobook

Welcome to the Ward Audiobook Project!

NOTE: Ward is a direct continuation of Worm.  If you haven’t read Worm, please check out the original text or the Worm Audiobook Project.

The Ward Audiobook is a combined effort by fans to produce a full unabridged audiobook of the web serial Ward.  For various reasons not everyone is able to sit and read the chapters online, so the goal of this project is to make this excellent story more accessible to everyone!  If you like what we do, please let us know in the comments!  If you really like what we do then consider using the social media buttons to share!  Don’t like what we do?  Definitely let us know!  Feedback is the only way we can improve, so staying silent is the surest way to not see that change!

You can find the Ward Audiobook on iTunes, Google Podcasts, or any podcasting app!

Ward is written and owned by J.C. McCrae, aka Wildbow.  You can find the original text at Parahumans.net.  If you enjoy his work half as much as we do, please consider supporting him.  This project is in no way affiliated with J.C. McCrae and we have no rights to the source material.  We don’t make money off this and we don’t want to – our only reward is getting more people to experience this wonderful story.

41 thoughts on “Ward Audiobook”

  1. Are you accepting others to help provide voices and/or chapters?
    If so, what does one need to do to volunteer their services?

    1. I’m always open to adding more people to my resource list. Send me an email at rein@rein-online.org with a short clip (either attached or linked) of you reading a mix of narration and dialogue and we’ll go from there.

  2. I really appreciate the work everyone does on these and the first Worm audiobook. And production quality on Ward has been outstanding!

  3. May I request that the narrator (or host) read the chapter number before the text starts? I listen on the go and can’t stop to read the episode title whenever the podcast episode comes up in the queue.

    Loving the production by the way. Each new episode really makes my day.

    1. Thanks for the feedback! This format was only for the Glow Worm chapters so fear not – all future chapters will have the Arc number, name, and chapter number before each one.

  4. I have listened to the Worm Audiobook Podcast at least 3 times through after reading it as it was releasing. Love your work and appreciate everything you do. Thanks

  5. I loved the worm audiobook I found it on a pod cast a year or so ago… I went to try to find it again and found ward ….but I cannot find the audiobook for it, I looked on Google play what am I doing wrong…

  6. Rein’s triumphant return to the world of Parahumans. After Glow Worm’s full cast attempt to drive Rein into madness, he carries on the smooth and clear narration that is the only way one tends to imagine Wildbow’s work being brought to life. If I ever want to relive a part of Worm, I use the Audiobook.

  7. Hey Rein, can you confirm or deny whether or not the character Rain is a shout-out to you?

    Keep up the amazing work!

  8. Rain’s Theme: I Refuse – Five Finger Death Punch. It came on my Pandora and it just fit so well. Wish I knew computer stuff and could set it to a montage of fan concept art from ward or something.

  9. Love the work you folx do, hoping to attempt a chapter with you all sometime if I get a devent mic in the near future. Worm is my favorite audiobook and the best fan project I’ve ever heard and Ward is shaping to be even better.

  10. Hello. I am trying to find your content on Google Play Music, but I can’t find it. What should I search for? Do you have a direct link to your content on Google Play Music? Thank you!

  11. Huge fan of worm (this some chapters were unbearable to listen to) and am equally a fan of ward and the work you fine folks have done with turning these stories into phenomenal audiobooks. I miss DSB as he was one of the better readers for worm but at least we get rein who is hands down the best/most professional. I know the story will eventually end but until then keep up the great work. P.s. I cant remember his name but the gentleman who did the tristan/byron interlude did a fantastic job, he made me feel all of the feels for byron.

    1. Thanks for the praise Nicholas 🙂
      Crispy is the wonderfully talented reader you were thinking of. He’s been a contributor for quite a while actually. His first chapter was Grue’s interlude all the way back in Worm. Anyway, I’ll pass along your message – I’m sure he’ll be glad to hear it.

  12. Hey Rein,
    Just poking my head into the comments down here on a whim to give you some praise both for assembling an amazing team of editors this time around and for improving your narration quality so much that I’d happily listen to you over some of the more mid-tier professional narrators on audible. Having you as a consistent narrator with consistent voices for all the main characters throughout all the main arcs this time has skyrocketed the casual listenability of this project. As good as I thought NSPB, Crispy, and the others were, having a consistent voice to place with each character is invaluable.

    Speaking of Crispy, he’s been knocking it out of the park in Ward. He was absolutely the best fit of all your guest interlude narrators to do the Tristain/Byron Interludes.
    If you happen to bump into him, feel free to tell him that his completely out-of-left-field reprise of “I’m a Little Teapot”, after his short sendoff during Imp’s chapter in Teneral, was funny enough that it convinced 2 folks I hang out with regularly to try out worm after they overheard it from my speakers.

    I’ve loved listening as you and your team have continued to improve with every chapter y’all have released over these last 5 years. (Good gravy! You’ve been doing this fan project for half a decade! I was still in college when you started this. You madman!) Ending each Friday after work by listening to the new chapter’s y’all put out during the week is one of the best parts of my weekly routine.

    Make sure you guys don’t overwork yourselves and keep on doing a great job!

    1. Thanks Brian! It’s a lot of work for everyone involved so I’m glad to hear it’s paying off! I know it’s been a massive growing experience for me over these years, and I’ve enjoyed watching the others involved grow along with the project. I’m definitely going to pass along your praise to them.

      5 years is a long time. Since starting this project I’ve changed jobs twice, gotten married, moved across the country, and became a home-owner. The way things are going I’ll probably have kids by the time it’s done!

  13. Thank you so much for this project 🙂
    I have been putting Ward away for too long because making time for non-audio reading is so much harder for me.
    An audiobook is a life saver, and the quality is also great (at least the few chapters I read so far).

    Creating an audiobook for the longest book series ever must be a tremendous effort. Again, thank you so much.

  14. I’ve been listening to the Ward Audiobook on Spotify and I have really been enjoying it! The whole team does an awesome job and I am always impressed with the quality!

    I thought I should bring attention to what seems to be an error or glitch when listening on Spotify on episode Blinding 11.11. Starting at 42:24 the music begins to play as if the chapter is ending, but the narration is not over (the whole episode is 1:11:10 long. I really appreciate the work you guys do, and I thought I would let you guys know!

    1. Thanks Ethan! Once in a great while I make that mistake and usually fix it fairly quickly. Unfortunately it seems some podcast services copy the file as soon as it’s posted so they can make it available via their own CDN rather than just linking to the actual podcast RSS feed, which means they don’t get the fix when I replace the old file with the updated one :\

  15. I have been listening to the last 8 arcs, and the narrators are quite awesome. Specifically, I must say that Rein’s narration is really top notch (and I have been listening to audiobooks with professional narrators for some years, so my standards are high).

    Thank you!!
    (Both the narrators and all of the other contributors that create this audiobook)

  16. I love this, and I am so grateful to be able to re-experience Worm in audio, as well as hear Ward for the first time. I can’t read while I’m sewing, so the audio version is a godsend while making masks (558 and counting). I also picked a terrible cliffhanger of a week to get caught up on. I just want to make sure that more episodes are on the way in the future. Is this the case?

    Thank you for all your hard work!

  17. Is there a way to find out how long this is? I used a tool to find out the length of the worm audiobook via YouTube (174:35:32) but because it’s not on youtube I’m not sure how to find out

    1. I won’t be able to know for sure until it’s finished, but due to the way I set things up (after learning from Worm) I’ll be able to make a compendium much easier and get that final length in the process.

  18. I am all up to date with the Audio book so far (17.10) and wow, this will be the first time since I started listening to the worm audio book on YouTube that I won’t have Rein voicing all my fave Breakthrough characters! (If you read this Rein, you do a great Kenzie in particular).

    Thanks to you and all the other volunteers for making this such a grand experience. I’ve been listening since March 2020 and I look forward to hearing you all finish out the book for my re read in another year’s time!

  19. I would like this audiobook to be loaded into youtube. I can download them from my home using the data there and listening outside

  20. I found this thing completely by accident and I was immediately hooked. It’s all such wonderful work I’m glad I found it.

  21. Hello! I appreciate the effort put forth for this audiobook!
    I’d like to bring to your attention that I listen through googlepodcasts — with the most recent update it flags each ch/arc as coming from an “insecure connection” and has me open and play it in a separate browser. I hope this isn’t hanging up other listeners! Thank you

    1. I think I’ve fixed it, can you give it a try and let me know if it’s working correctly for you now?

      1. I’ve also been listening through it during work on Google Podcast and it started doing that for me as well last week. I had off the last two days but now when I click a chapter, instead of brining up a pop-up saying it’s an insecure location and having me play it through browser, it’ll get to the buffering stage before saying “unable to play”

        1. There was something I missed in my original fix which I addressed after seeing your message today. It should actually be fixed now. Can you please let me know if it’s working for you again?

          1. Sorry about the late reply. It seems to still be not working through google podcasts. Like it tries to load it but fails.

  22. Looks like about half the episodes won’t play or load on audible and stitcher with this insecure connection error. Just wanted you to know. I’m on 11.a and it is an example of one that won’t play.

    Thanks for all you’ve done Rein!

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